- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Architecture: Network of Microservices Including Specialized Machine Learning Tools
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Recursive Iteration Of Retrieval Augmented Generation (Rag)
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Training an Expansion Machine Learning Tool
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Matching Application Programming Interface (Api) Queries to Received Input
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Testing Conformance with Knowledge Domain
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Customization Of Machine Learning Tools with Occupation Training
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Customization with Data Producer(S)
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Workflow Emulation from Recorded Work Sessions Using Microservice Network
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Workflow Emulation from Segments Of Recorded Work Sessions
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation Of Annotation for Workflow Emulation From Recorded Work Sessions
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Monitoring Interviews
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Conducting Interviews
- Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Security
- Enzinger, E. and Robson, R. (2022) Real-time voice phishing detection. US11,423,926 B2. August 23, 2022.
- Kelsey, E., Goetschalckx, R., Ray, R., Veden, A., Robson, E., & Robson, R. (2020). Automated Tool for Question Generation. US 10,614,106 B2. April 7, 2020
- Robson, R. & Hald, M. (2012). Automated Metadata Generation of Learning and Knowledge Objects. Patent US8140463. March 20, 2012
Contributions to Standards
- IEEE P3400 – Draft Standard for Use of Inclusive Language in Technical Terminology and Communications (current project)
- INCITS 580 – Draft Standard for Inclusive Terminology (current project)
- IEEE 3652.1-2020. Standard for Federated Machine Learning.
- IEEE 1589-2020. Using Augmented Reality to Create Learning Environments.
- ADL Initiative, Shareable Content Object Reference Model, v1.1, 1.2, and 2004
- IEEE 1484.20.1-2007. Data Model for Reusable Competency Definitions.
- IEEE 1484.4-2006 Trial Use Recommended Practice for Digital Rights Expression Languages (DRELs) Suitable for eLearning Technologies
- IEEE 1484.11.3-2005. Standard for Learning Technology Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Binding for Data Model for Content Object Communication.
- IEEE 1484.12.3-2005 – IEEE Standard for Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata
- IEEE 1484.11.1-2004 Data Model for Content Object Communication.
- IEEE 1484.11.2-2003. IEEE Standard for Learning Technology — ECMAScript Application Programming Interface for Content to Runtime Services Communication
- Advanced Distributed Learning initiative. (October, 2003). Cross-Domain Scripting Issue. - IEEE 1484.12.1-2002. IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata
- The IMS Global Learning Consortium, October 2002). IMS Reusable Definition of Competency or Educational Objective Best Practice and Implementation Guide, V 1.0
- Friesen, N., Mourad, M., Robson, R. (2002). Towards a Digital Rights Expression Language Standard for Learning Technology: A Report of the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Digital Rights Expression Language Study Group.
- Smythe, C., Tansey, F. and Robson, R. (March, 2001). IMS Learner Information Package Best Practice and Implementation Guide, Version 1.0., The IMS Global Learning Consortium