
  1. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Architecture: Network of Microservices Including Specialized Machine Learning Tools
  2. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Recursive Iteration Of Retrieval Augmented Generation (Rag)
  3. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Training an Expansion Machine Learning Tool
  4. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Matching Application Programming Interface (Api) Queries to Received Input
  5. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Implementation: Testing Conformance with Knowledge Domain
  6. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Customization Of Machine Learning Tools with Occupation Training
  7. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Customization with Data Producer(S)
  8. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Workflow Emulation from Recorded Work Sessions Using Microservice Network
  9. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Workflow Emulation from Segments Of Recorded Work Sessions
  10. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation Of Annotation for Workflow Emulation From Recorded Work Sessions
  11. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Monitoring Interviews
  12. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Automation For Conducting Interviews
  13. Kelsey, E., Nasir, S., Yarbro, J., Egerton, L., Robson, E., Kelly, B., Robson, R. & Ward, S. (Submitted 2024) Copilot Security
  14. Enzinger, E. and Robson, R. (2022) Real-time voice phishing detection. US11,423,926 B2. August 23, 2022.
  15. Kelsey, E., Goetschalckx, R., Ray, R., Veden, A., Robson, E., & Robson, R. (2020). Automated Tool for Question Generation. US 10,614,106 B2. April 7, 2020
  16. Robson, R. & Hald, M. (2012). Automated Metadata Generation of Learning and Knowledge Objects.  Patent US8140463. March 20, 2012

Contributions to Standards

  1. IEEE P3400 – Draft Standard for Use of Inclusive Language in Technical Terminology and Communications (current project)
  2. INCITS 580 – Draft Standard for Inclusive Terminology (current project)
  3. IEEE 3652.1-2020. Standard for Federated Machine Learning.
  4. IEEE 1589-2020. Using Augmented Reality to Create Learning Environments.
  5. ADL Initiative, Shareable Content Object Reference Model, v1.1, 1.2, and 2004
  6. IEEE 1484.20.1-2007. Data Model for Reusable Competency Definitions.
  7. IEEE 1484.4-2006 Trial Use Recommended Practice for Digital Rights Expression Languages (DRELs) Suitable for eLearning Technologies
  8. IEEE 1484.11.3-2005. Standard for Learning Technology Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Binding for Data Model for Content Object Communication.
  9. IEEE 1484.12.3-2005 – IEEE Standard for Extensible Markup Language (XML) Schema Definition Language Binding for Learning Object Metadata
  10. IEEE 1484.11.1-2004 Data Model for Content Object Communication.
  11. IEEE 1484.11.2-2003. IEEE Standard for Learning Technology — ECMAScript Application Programming Interface for Content to Runtime Services Communication
  12. Advanced Distributed Learning initiative. (October, 2003). Cross-Domain Scripting Issue.
  13. IEEE 1484.12.1-2002. IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata
  14. The IMS Global Learning Consortium, October 2002). IMS Reusable Definition of Competency or Educational Objective Best Practice and Implementation Guide, V 1.0
  15. Friesen, N., Mourad, M., Robson, R. (2002). Towards a Digital Rights Expression Language Standard for Learning Technology: A Report of the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Digital Rights Expression Language Study Group.
  16. Smythe, C., Tansey, F. and Robson, R. (March, 2001). IMS Learner Information Package Best Practice and Implementation Guide, Version 1.0., The IMS Global Learning Consortium